lunedì 9 dicembre 2013

Low altitude autonomous mission with the MaxiSwift piloted by the ArduPlane v2.73-xp1

Low altitude autonomous mission with the MaxiSwift piloted by the ArduPlane v2.73-xp1


The MaxiSwift flying wing has donne successfully a low altitude flight autonomous mission (< 30m AGL) under flight plan piloted by the ArduPlane v2.73-xp1. A color camera onboard with an OSD display in real time the video of the flight and the data on the ground station screen. (Wind 7 km/h, gusting 15 km/h)
- Avionic setup:
- ArduFlyer v2.5.2 (RCtimer)
- firmware ARduPlane v2.73-xp1 (JLN version)
- GPS: Crius CN-06 V2 (Ublox NEO6M) updated by JLN
- Airspeed sensor MXV7002DP
- OSD Rembizi
- 5.8 Ghz Video transmitter
- CCD color camera for FVP
- Receiver: Multiplex RX-7 M-link
- Transmitter: Multiplex Royal EVO9 M-link 2.4 Ghz
- Lipo 3S 2650 mAh Turnigy
- Brushless motors Spitz 15 #85570/200 Watts 1130KV
- propeller 10x7 APC-E
- ESC 40A for the motor
- Take Off Weight (TOW): 1240 g
- Flight time: about 15 min
Below some photos:

Full mission photos and data at:,-missio...
More infos at:

FONTE:Low altitude autonomous mission with the MaxiSwift piloted by the ArduPlane v2.73-xp1 - DIY Drones

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