mercoledì 23 luglio 2014

Yet another Flight Control Board

Encouraged by the success of my previous custom board (Version 2), which happily carries my quad in the air (maiden flight) with some advanced features like self-stabilization, course lock, control loop operating at 400 Hz, etc., I decided to jump on a more ambitious project - the board with more sensors, more ports, etc.

In summary, the new board (Version 3) has the following parameters:

  • PIC24EP512GP806 MCU operating at 64 MHz;
  • Two MPU-6050 sensors (in the hope to achieve better vibration rejection);
  • New HMC-5983 magnetometer;
  • MPL3115A barometric altimeter that can be configured to report altitude instead of the raw pressure;
  • On-board 3.3V 1A voltage regulator;
  • 8 PWM ports for quad-, hexa-, and octo-copters and/or quad and camera control;
  • 4 UART ports for GPS, US-100 ultrasonic sensor, UART-enabled RC receiver, and Data Logger;
  • ICSP port for programming;
  • On-board signal LED and header for connecting external LED or buzzer (powered through MOSFET);
  • Standard size with mounting holes matching KK and MultiWii boards.
Here is the board overview (above)

I will be documenting every step of developing (mostly - porting from V2) firmware for this boards as well as sensors' calibration on my blog. Obviously, all the code is Open Source under the MIT License located in the SVN repository.

fonte:Yet another Flight Control Board - DIY Drones

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